Thursday 3 March 2016


     The greatest wish of most women is to be able to wake up each day without finding a single outbreak of pimple on her face. No? Yes! Still these little, pesky,guys rear up their ugly heads and spoil what would have otherwise been a cheerful day. Well,
not to worry. I'll give you some simple basic homemade therapy to making disappear. As we already know, pimples and acne are basically caused by blocked pores mixed with bacteria caused by sebaceous oils. To get rid of these totally, you'd need to free those blocked pores. Below are a few recommended homemade remedies to averting this menace.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar + Water
     In a half filled glass of water, add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Using a cotton ball, dip into the solution and dab directly on the affected area. Leave the solution on your face for about 10 to 15mins or overnight.  Repeat as many times as desired. Always wash face thoroughly after each application.
Image result for free images of apple cider vinegar

2. Honey + Lemon
     One of honey's numerous healing abilities is the controlling of excess oil on the face. Cut a lemon in half, add some drops of honey on it (enough to cover affected area) and scrub face with it. Lemon which has natural bleaching properties clears spots on the face. Rinse with warm water afterwards.
Image result for free images of fresh honeyImage result for free images of fresh lemon
3. Cucumber Face Mask
     Acne outbreaks often makes face feel rough. Applying cucumber face mask helps deal with that. Squash a whole cucumber and strain out the water. Add a tablespoon of sugar to it, mix thorough then apply solution to your face. Leave for about 10-15 mins then wash off with water.

                    Image result for free images of mashed cucumber
4.  Lemon Juice
      Aside from the whitening effect of this fruit, it works also as an astringent and can therefore shrink out acne and reduce redness. Wash face with cold water then pat dry. Cut a lemon into half, squeeze out the juice, strain to remove pups. With a cotton bud, apply freshly squeezed lemon juice to the affected areas. You'd naturally feel a growing tingling, mix juice with yogurt to reduce the tingling sensation.

     When it comes to removing dead cells and unclogging pores on the skin's surface, a good grape scrub does wonders. Cut about two or three grapes into two and then use them to scrub the face. Do as many times as you think your facial pores need to breath.

6. Sugar
     Sounds easy right? Sugar has been found to work perfectly as an exfoliating agent. Just mix with a little water or honey and voila, you got your scrub!

7. Baking Soda 
     After acne and pimples disappear, spots remain on the affected area causing the skin there to look rough. Baking Soda has lots of cleaning and clearing properties that take care of this. It can be used along side a number of things, ranging from baking powder to olive oil. Below are a number of ways to use it;
- Mix baking soda with baking powder, 3 spoons and 1 spoon respectively. add water to make a paste. slap it on the affected parts and leave overnight. Wash with warm water next morning.
-Mix baking soda with aloe vera gel to form a paste. Apply to affected area and allow to dry. Wash of later and pat face dry.
-Mix baking soda with honey in equal amounts. Apply to affected areas, massage in a circular motion for about 5 minutes. Wait a while then wash off with warm water.
                             Image result for free images of what baking soda looks like

 NOTE: Baking soda dries of skin excessive so be sure to use a moisturizer first before adopting any of the above if you don't have a very oily skin and/or do a skin patch test.

     This wonder root plant is used for the treatment of acne 'cause of the many anti-inflammatory properties it contains one of which is gingerols. Wash ginger, peel it, cut into small pieces, blend with a little amount of water, strain to remove pulp then mix with honey. With a clean piece of cotton wool, dab the mixture on an already washed face. Make sure all affected areas are covered. Wear the mask for about 20 minutes then wash off with cold water. Moisturize properly afterwards.
                Image result for free images of fresh ginger

NOTE: Any of the above need to be done over a period of 4-7 days to get very good results.

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