Monday 14 March 2016


     Isn't it crazy how every now and then you're in one new relationship or the other? Well, everything's got rules even relationship. You want to put an end to being 'the other girl?' Below are some rules you must adopt!

1. Have A Cheerful Spirit
     No guy ever wants to be with a lady who's basic
characteristic trait is one of deep sadness and frown. If you really want to have the best of any kind of relationship, you must learn to actively and purposely wear a cheerful spirit irrespective of what you may have gone through or are going through.

2. Hold Your Own
     That you are in a relationship with someone does not mean that you loose yourself entirely to them. You should be able to speak your mind without being rude, buy your meals without grumbling, handle all your business without any help from him and stand your ground when you know you're in the right. Statements like 'if it's fine with you, it's fine with me' shouldn't come out of your mouth too often. You should simply just hold your own!

3. Never Talk Back In Public
     Even though today's society encourages equality of the sexes and all that (which is actually a good thing) common sense should tell you that talking right back at your boyfriend/spouse (whatever the scenario is) is not a very smart thing to do. Why? Because as a lady, you hold the key to a man's main core. Which ever way you drive it is how it goes. You ought to know better!

4. Be Thankful
     He  may not be the richest guy in the world, he  may not be the most sensitive. But giving him all and more of the praise he deserves whenever he does something as little as opening the car door for you will naturally make him want to do more.

5. Don't Be His House Help
     Yes! I said it. It doesn't matter how long or how well you clean his house and wash his clothes. If you lack the above basics, my dear, you'll end up getting a big, fat THANK YOU while the supposed bitch girl gets the guy. A man doesn't need a maid for a wife. He needs a manager and a director. Dump the housemaid skills, get some managerial skills and boom, you'd get the ring.

6. Be His Driving Force
     It's not enough to be pretty and to know all the fashion trends. Show that you've got a good level of mental toughness to ride with him in and out of any storm. That way, you'd soon become one of  (if not the only) reason why he keeps trying to reach greater heights.

     There's no gainsaying what a woman's ability can do. Embracing all of it only leads to good success in all ramifications. Embrace it.

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