Thursday 16 April 2020


NOTE: By the end of this article, you would have equipped yourself with the knowledge need to earn your first guaranteed $100+ online with zero investment anywhere in the world! It's 100% free. Just make sure to follow the same exact steps listed below. You will make at least $1 before you are even through learning this method.

STEP 1: Create an account on the website i'll show you below.
To create an account on the website i'll show you, you have to click here to go over a new tab and all you have to do is create an account just as you on any regular site. Make sure you come back to step 2 in this article when you're done.

Image 1.

Click on the area circled in red. It will take you to a page where you will be required to fill out a basic form. Be sure to check your email for verification. Check your spam as well.

STEP 2: Start working the unlimited amount of jobs on the site

Follow the image examples to understand how to select, start and finish a job on picoworkers the right way to avoid being kicked out of the community.

Image 2.

Clicking on any of the circled areas in red will take you to a page with available job listings that look like this:
Image 2.1

Image 2.2 

The yellow line area in image 2.2 shows the number of time a job has been completed by various workers. Do not go for jobs that indicate only one or two chances left as what may happen will be you finishing the job only to realize that it is no longer available as other members may have finished before you and then you will not be paid- it can then be said that you just did a free job for the employer.

From Image 2.1/2.2 above, you will be taken to a page where details of the job will be provided by the employer. Read it carefully and the click on "I accept this job". This will open up a form where you provide proof requested by the employer. See images below for illustration.

Image 2.3

Image 2.4

Once you have provided all required proof of job done in the form as seen in the image above, click on the area circled in yellow to submit. Your earning status for every job done will reflect at the far right corner of your account. some employers pay within 7 days, some pay instantly, some in a few hours or two days. It varies.

STEP 3: Choose a payment platform and get paid.
 Image 3

The payment options on picoworkers are paypal(i highly recommend this), visa,mastercard,bitcoin, etc as seen above. Make sure your paypal email address is the same as your signup email address if you are going to receive your earnings via paypal else you may lose your earnings! You can as well use other earning methods. Paypal is just my best option. 

Now let's see how to actually place a withdrawal!

Image 3.1

On your dashboard, find withdraw on the far end right, click it and you will be brought the page in the image above. Click on the tab below it with the + sign. You will be taken to the next and final page as seen in the image below

Withdrawal threshold is at $5 plus service fee so you need to have at least $6 in your account before you can request for payment.

NOTE: a lazy person can make at least $4 daily working for less than 2 hours. Let's do the math: $4 X 30 days (1 month) = $120. Let's multiply that by N410 which is the current exchange rate. 120 x 410 =N49,000!

You can do the potential income calculation in your own currency as well if you are not a Nigerian.

You can now see that you have no reason to stay broke as a jobless person with a smartphone and an internet connection right? 

All the best!

Thursday 21 April 2016


I write this letter as a concerned Nigerian citizen longing to see a drastic change in her country's law enforcement arm. I believe the

Monday 18 April 2016


Former CEO and chairman of Intuit, former Ivy League football coach, management guru and mentor to Steve Jobs has died. This was confirmed by Kleiner Perkins Caufield  Byers, a venture capital firm Campbell worked with in shaping future entrepreneurs. He died after a long battle with cancer. There's no gainsaying that he helped in shaping the direction of Apple and Google companies which are today two of the world's most powerful companies.
Former Intuit CEO and chairman Bill Campbell (photo courtesy Intuit)

He was best known as 'coach' and played a vital role in helping others achieve their goals especially in technological areas. He displayed leadership skills when he coached the Columbia University football team in the 1970s though they recorded a loss  and was also chairman of board of trustees at the same university from 2005 till 2014. He once worked as a marketing executive with Kodak and served as a CEO of the financial software firm around the mid 1990s.
Image result for pictures of bill Campbell
Young Campbell
His death has spurred many heart felt condolences and praises for his work and general relationship with people.
Scoot Cook, Intuit's co-founder said without Bill Campbell, the company wouldn't be what it is today. In a statement he said ''i don't think anyone had an impact as important and far-reaching on |Silicon Valley's leaders and culture. He made us all better.'' Schmdit called him ''a man with he big heart who hugged everyone he met.'


It just wouldn’t go away! It kept gnawing and gnawing it’s way through the tiny space between my kitchen cabinet and the wall behind it. Chasing it only lead to


The Zika virus has been detected to be transmitted sexually for the first time in Peru as reported by the Peruvian health authorities. According to Anibal Valasquez, Health Minister,


This is coming a bit late but i'm definite it will still be of help to someone. I remember way back how i would frown and complain each time Sunday (which is still my best day of the week) begins to come to an end simply 'cause i was in total disagreement

Friday 15 April 2016


Japan experiences yet another quaking of the earth and destruction of lives and properties today, 16th April. We do not experience those in this part of the world and should be grateful. The Magnitude 7.1 quake struck Southern Japan leaving nine dead and over a 1000 injured. According to Japanese media, the quake triggered a tsunami which was later averted.
Image result for pictures of earthquakes
This is what the start of an earthquake looks like

According to the US Geological Survey, the earthquake started near the city of Kumamoto and measured at a shallow depth of 10km and was of 7.1 magnitude which by far bigger than the quake that raked the same area on Thursday. It was of 6.4 magnitude but left no one dead.

Shinji Toda, a professor at Tojoku University, told national broadcaster that 'Thursday's quake might have been a foreshock of this one.' The Japan Meterological Agency has also identified the presence of a marine threat and has asked people to leave coastal regions fot the Ariake and Yatsushiro seas. The first quake today was followed by several aftershocks including one of a 5.8 magnitude. 

Tuesday 12 April 2016


Hello faithful readers. I sincerely want to apologize for being away without notice for some days now. An unforeseen event came up and it lead to me going off radar for a while. Good news is, i'm back now and even more committed to bringing you news, stories and articles from around the world and of myself of course. Thanks for still being here. New posts coming up soon...

Tuesday 5 April 2016


Although most states in America are approving gay marriage, in Mississippi, the governor Phil Bryant has signed a more protective law allowing people whose religious beliefs do not conform to the gay marriage act the right


Meet the transgender banker who's now turned himself into a live dragon! Richard Hernandez, grew up in Texas, used to be