Yet, on daily basis, even in this 21st century, women always seen to be a logger heads with each other, measuring up against themselves (instead of against men) just to see who becomes the ''man's'' best. Ladies physically launch into self created wars of being the perfect 'wife', 'girlfriend', and/or attention giver to the men are they are supposed to be equal sexes. A lady walks into a restaurant with a cute looking guy who has the aura of one who is successful and she's immediately fired bullets by others around and most annoyingly by ladies working in a place like that. I've fallen a victim several times to this. Scenes of ladies at war extend even to offices and to looks and personality. Try being a pretty, well read lady in a working area where few ladies thrive and you'll understand what i mean.
Now, if as ladies, we continually seek to have the same equality rights as men in all areas of life but can't take out this poisonous, unhealthy competitive lifestyle among ourselves, we may by ourselves be enslaved again to being entirely under the desires of men thereby destroying everything that was done to give us this level of voicing especially in Africa and thus refusing to claim boldly, a world which can only be truly balanced by us.